
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chakras – The power Of Life Flowing Inside Our Body

Chakras in general language means wheel. The chakras inside our body are power centers filled with energy that radiate certain types of frequencies. A constant flow of healthy energy keeps us mentally and physically fit. There are total of seven chakras inside our body. Each one is responsible for a specific life trait. If one has to live happily and peacefully, one’s chakras should be cleaned and healthy.

Let us take a look at the chart in the picture. It shows all the seven chakras located in the human body.

1. Sahsrara chakra/ Crown chakra - The first chakra is called sahasrara chakra or
crown chakra”. It is located on top of the forehead. it is symbolized by a lotus
with 1000 petals. White color is the color of this chakra. The soft spot on the
head of a new born is the exact place where it is found. It offers inner
consciousness to human mind. It endows us with understanding and will power.

2. Ajna Chakra/ Brow chakra – it is located near the pineal gland. The secretion of substance melatonin is its main function. Melatonin regulates the sleep and awakening in human beings. The symbol for this chakra is a lotus with two petals.
It is sensitive towards colors like violet, deep blue and indigo. This chakra gives you the power of intuitive thought and visual consciousness. It gifts human beings the virtue of imagination.

3. Vishuddha/ Throat Chakra - this chakra is symbolically presented as a lotus
with sixteen petals and its color is pale yellow or turquoise. It gives you the
power of thought. The efficiency to communicate and express feelings comes
from this chakra. The positive energy of this chakra gives feeling of emotional
independence to you. It rules the sphere of power of a person.

4. Anahata / Heart Chakra – this chakra is related to the thymus gland located
in the chest. The symbol of this chakra is lotus with 12 petals. It governs the
immune system of your body. Stress can adversely affect this chakra. This chakra
gives us the capability of unconditional love, compassion, tenderness, well being
and equilibrium. Green and pink are the main colors signifying this chakra.

5. Manipura / The Solar Plexus Chakra – it is related to the metabolic and
digestive system of our body. It is believed to be associated with islets of
langerhans located in the pancreas. Its symbol is yellow lotus with ten petals.
Key issues governed by it are issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-
formation, introversion, and transition from simple or base emotions to complex.

6. Svadhishthana/ Sacaral Chakra – it is located in the sacrum and it responds to the
testes and ovaries. It leads to proper secretion of sex hormones and maintaining the
reproductive cycle. It is represented by an orange colored lotus with six petals.
Feelings of joy, enthusiasm, creativity, pleasure, relationships, violence, addictions
and basic emotional needs are governed by this chakra.

7. Muladhara/ Base Chakra – it is located near the perineum in between the genital
and the anus. It is represented by symbol of red colored lotus with 4 petals.
It involves sexuality, lust, obsession and security feelings.

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